July 2021

Host: University of Ottawa
Theme: Solving Problem with Emerging Media
Date: July 30, 2021

Whether it’s using virtual reality to treat mental disorders or to develop student engineering design projects, or whether it’s using Minecraft to create community during the pandemic, July’s EMCoP session hosted by the University of Ottawa explored problems and the solutions afforded by emerging media.


Stéphane Bouchard, Ph.D. – Professor (Département de psychoéducation et de psychologie, Université du Québec en Outaouais), Adjunct Professor (University of Ottawa), and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Clinical Cyberpsychology

Using Virtual Reality To Treat Mental Disorders: The presentation will begin by presenting results for the treatment of anxiety disorders, then mentions examples for addictions, pain distraction, obesity and body image disturbances, and schizophrenia. The role of presence will be discussed.

Stéphane Bouchard holds the Canada Research Chair in Clinical Cyberpsychology. He is a full professor at the Université du Québec en Outaouais and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Ottawa. He has been doing research on clinical applications of virtual reality since 1999.

Thomas Burelli – Associate Professor (Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa) and co-holder of the Research Chair in Teaching Innovation | Alexandre Lillo – Postdoctoral Fellow (Public Law Centre, University of Ottawa) and co-holder of the Research Chair in Teaching Innovation

Reproducing the uOttawa Faculty of Law in Minecraft: From A Crazy Idea to the Official Opening: At the beginning of the pandemic and the transition to online teaching, the academic world had to sacrifice physical classrooms to prioritize public health. Nostalgia of being on campus did not take long to show up… How long would it last? How to preserve a sense of community? With this burden in mind, Thomas Burelli and Alexandre Lillo decided to reproduce – for fun at first – their faculty building in the video game Minecraft. After countless hours spent placing blocks, Fauteux Hall came to life virtually. This presentation will focus on the reasons, process, experience, and prospects of replicating parts or the entire university campus.

Thomas Burelli is a Professor of Law at the University of Ottawa, Civil Law Section. His areas of expertise are environmental law, intellectual property, indigenous peoples’ rights, and ethics. He is the co-author of the website Learning in Progress: https://lip-aec.com/. On this website, he shares simulations and games he has developed with Alexandre Lillo to teach Law.

Alexandre Lillo is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa Public Law Centre. His research focuses on water law, environmental governance, legal pedagogy, and game-based learning. He is currently the co-holder of a Research Chair in Teaching Innovation and a part-time professor with the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts.

Hanan Anis – Professor (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa) and NSERC Chair in Entrepreneurial Engineering Design | Justine Boudreau – Makerspace manager

Introducing VR to uOttawa Centre for Entrepreneurship and Engineering: Virtual reality has been slowly integrated into the uOttawa Centre for Entrepreneurship and Engineering Design where now there are 75 students every semester working on VR-related projects and many of the technical labs in the engineering design courses are done as a VR simulation. This presentation will cover how VR is used and integrated into our Makerspace and MakerLab as well as outline specific projects that have been completed by the students.

Hanan Anis is a professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Ottawa. She holds an NSERC chair in Entrepreneurial Engineering Design and is also the coordinator of entrepreneurship and innovation in the Faculty of Engineering. Her passion is helping students graduate with an entrepreneurial mindset that enables them to play leading roles in existing organizations or to create their own jobs.

Justine Boudreau has graduated from uOttawa with a BASc in Mechanical Engineering as well as a MASc in Electronic Business Technologies in 2021. She manages the Richard L’Abbé Makerspace and the MakerLab, rapid prototyping facilities in the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Engineering Design. She loves to design and build as well to teach and help others.