February 2023: How AI Tools such as ChatGPT are changing conversations in Higher Education

Thank you to everyone who joined us! If you could not attend, view the recorded Zoom session here.

The Emerging Media Lab presented an online Zoom seminar about AI technologies (such as ChatGPT), and how they will affect our world going forward. Hosted by the Emerging Media Community of Practice and moderated by Patrick Pennefather, a selection of panelists joined us to analyze these fascinating topics.

Panelists Included:

Professor Jutta Treviranus, OCAD University, Faculty of Design, Graduate Studies

Professor Stephen Murgatroyd, University of Alberta, Faculty of Education (Adjunct)

Dr. Farhad Dastur, Principal Investigator, KPU Virtual Reality Lab

David Clement, Emerging Media Lab Industry Advisor

Moderator: Dr. Patrick Pennefather, UBC Emerging Media Lab