June 2019

June 2019 

The Emerging Media BC Community of Practice is a community of experts and professionals from academic institutions, industry and community groups, as well as others whose work and interests are related to immersive media and emerging technologies.

The June 2019 meeting will be hosted by Vancouver Coastal Health.


Welcome, Conrad Cone, VCH Learning Technologies

Academic Presentations

Safety Starts With Me “Passport”: Using AR Graphics to Promote the Fraser Health’s Patient Safety Priorities, Fabio Feldman, Fraser Health

The Quality Improvement and Patient Safety team collaborates with health care leaders and physicians to provide leadership and quality improvement expertise to teams in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of improvement initiatives designed to improve quality of care, service utilization, patient safety, and risk reduction.

Simulation-based Education for Continuing Professional Development and Systems Improvement in Healthcare, Christina Choung, Vancouver Coastal Health

The simulation team collaborates with provincial and national partners to upskill VCH Staff in simulation theory and application. The team shares a repository of simulation tools, including manikins, task trainers, scenarios, and uses simulation as an educational method to reveal gaps and test solutions related to systems processes.

Pocket Pelvis: Combining 3D Printing with AR for an Interactive Learning Tool for the Pelvis, Dr. Claudia Krebs, UBC Emerging Media Lab

The simulation team collaborates with provincial and national partners to upskill VCH Staff in simulation theory and application. The team shares a repository of simulation tools, including manikins, task trainers, scenarios, and uses simulation as an educational method to reveal gaps and test solutions related to systems processes.

Industry Presentations

Education Delivery and Assessment: Deliberate Practice in Virtual Reality, Danny P. Goel, Precision OS

PrecisionOS is made up of engineers, surgeons, educators, and artists to change the delivery of surgical care around the world. With an interest in education and 25 years of individual game development, they have built a company dedicated to improving surgical training, both in terms of skill and pre-operative planning.

Babylon Health: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Case Studies Between AWS & VCH, Artur Rodrigues, Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 165 fully-featured services from data centers globally. AWS has millions of customers — including collaborations with VCH. AWS powers infrastructure, and makes their customers more agile, with lower costs.

Mixcast: Seamlessly Blending Realities for Instant Sharing of Virtual Experiences, Tarrnie WilliamsBlueprint Reality Inc. 

Blueprint Reality are the creators of the MixCast platform and the MixCast VR Marketing System, a video-based mixed reality program that shows users in a VR experience, automatically captures pictures and videos of them in the virtual world they’re in, and delivers immediately accessible, personalized, shareable social media content.

Socializing and Exploration Booths

  1. Aboriginal Health: App
  2. VCH Learning Technologies: Banfield VR, BOT AR, VCHO Immersive UX, PAT, Case Cart, AR/VR Co-op project
  3. Fraser Health: Safety Starts With Me
  4. Emerging Media Lab: Fossa Finder, All in Your Head, Holobrain
  5. VCH: Tech4Good: Using Technology to Support Dementia Care
  6. AltumViewIntelligent Visual Sensor for Senior Care